
How to decide between Healthcare and Nursing Care?

Operative Care in bangalore

Determining the best health care option for the elderly or a patient can be an overwhelming decision. You always want to choose the best for your loved ones and thus, it is always a good idea to check various options like Home Care and Nursing Care.  Avanta Healthcare has both these options, but it is a […]

Difference between home care and Rehab medical care

Operative Care in bangalore

Difference between home care and Rehab medical care Home care is a supportive care given by a professional nurse at home where the patient is living. On the other hand, rehab care is designed to optimize functioning and reduce disabilities in patients with health conditions in respect with their environment. Nursing homes There are more house nursing […]

Rehab After a Heart Attack

Rehab After a Heart Attack

Rehab After a Heart Attack Returning to your home after a severe heart attack can be a little frightening. You might feel tired or weak after returning to home for the initial weeks. This is due to the injury to your cardiac muscle and the bed rest you had at the hospital. Thus, you must […]